Wow. It has been one heck of a week for Turkey. I have been preoccupied with it to the point that I have thought of little else and have been immensely distracted at work. The fact that I am thousands of miles away does not help at all. Now, this is a blog about films. I have always been careful to keep my political self and opinions apart from it because... Well, because that is the way I feel it should be. If we are connected via social media you are probably sick to the back teeth of me sharing my opinions. I'm sorry to say this but this trend will continue for a considerable amount of time. And I will be adding a few bits and peaces to the blog that are not entirely unconnected to the goings on this weekend. But in the meanwhile, I will now crack on with my film reviews.
Now, the fact that I am cracking on with film reviews does not mean that I have not indirectly connected them to the political situation. These are the truel life stories of two real people. Two famous people we have all heard of. And on the surface of it, they are as different as chalk and cheese. However, when you look at it closely, they have something in common. Both bucked the trend. Both refused to be content with the life society thought they should have. Both achieved amazing things and used their power to promote things, causes, values that truly mattered. You will see a side to both you never imagined before.
Who am I talking about? Scroll down to find out...
Happy viewing,
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