So my part of the world still hasn't quieted down. And I have run into technical difficulties about the "thing" I wanted to add to my website, but bear with me if you will, and it will appear. Asif by magic.
With all the though-provoking stuff going on in the world at the moment, one might be tempted to think I was using cinema as a way of escaping all that. Oh no. It seems that be it the "heaviest" film on serious topics such as addiction or pure entertainment it seems that my brain starts churning. I think it may be a result of being overworked. You know, the brain is spinning quite fast already, so it just carries on rather than stopping. It may not entirely make sense, but well, it does in my mind.
And I mean, I don't know. Is being lost in your own maudlings and meditations as restfull as "turning your brain off" completely? Not sure. I have a feeling it might be though. There you go. Another thing to think about.
I think I need a lie-down.
Happy viewing,
5 yıl önce
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