I was actually going to call this week's theme something totally different. I then reread my reviews. It is late, I am sleep deprived and have a very early start tomorrow, but even I can see that really, we are mulling over the past today.
It is not so much the content of the past that we are mulling over though. It is the fact that we can never really escape it. Or can we? Yes we can run far away, change our geographical location and cut our ties with people. But our past has left its footprints on our very souls. It is part of who we are. By the time we are adults, sadly, it is too late, and we will never totally be free. The only way of actually being free, bizarrely, is to embrace your past. Accept it as it is. Come to terms with yourself and with what happened, no matter what it may be. With time you will make more memories that mould you into a completely new person once again and the things that bother you now will be lost in the sea of the new. I guess the point I want to make though is that they will never drop out of you though. They will still be part of you. Smaller parts maybe, but parts all the same.
The films I review this week cast this as a rather bad thing I'm afraid. I don't know that it is always true though, but anyway, that's the topic of a different week and theme. I do hope you enjoy this week's films. I especially loved Brideshead Revisited. It's actually one of my top ten movies now. Hence the plug in the intro :)
Oh and I will make a point of reviewing something jollier for next week. I have grown positively maudlin and that will never do!
happy viewing,
5 yıl önce
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