Hey there ladies and gents! I trust you all head a wonderful week!
The real world is hot on my heels but I continue my forays into various worlds of fantasy - and continue to reoprt back! I am making a concentrated effort to keep up with the reading - although my reading list may seem a little odd to some - and I continue to share the highlights with you!
Feel like checking out my cinematic endeavours - then head to...
This week I'm chatting about Latin American Cinema! And don't stay limited to my stuff will you - the site is bursting with interesting news and reviews!
Speaking of film chat, what do you guys make over that ungodly fuss made over the new Star Wars trailer? More specifically, I mean the reactions to John Boyega, the first black stormtrooper. Come on guys, it's the 21st century for God's sake - the fact that he's black hadn't occured to me as a "thing" until I head the fuss made about it! All those haters need to get with the programme!
Another trailer out is, of course the Jurassic World trailer. I must say I'm slightly... Thingied... I mean I don't know, you know how you revisit a childhood haunt after you're an adult and realise it's a lot smaller than you remember it... Yeah, that's kinda how I feel. I think the younger generation will love it, but for those of us who remember the thrill of seing the first film in the cinema... Not the same...
have a great week you guys!
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