OK, so I’m ashamed I even have to mention this one as one of the films I have recently watched but what can I tell you… Some of the holes in my film knowledge are truly massive. Well I’m glad I watched it. Quite apart from the fact that the film is HILARIOUS, it is the granddaddy of all time travel films and a BRILLIANT 80’s time capsule to boot!
Marty McFly (Michael J. Fox – sad to think the poor guy caught Parkinson’s disease later on in life, such a brilliant Hollywood actor!) is a teenager living in the USA, in the 80’s, in a small town. He rides his skateboard, likes rock music, and plays in a band… Oh HE is the good friend of the local eccentric, a mad scientist under the name of Prof. Emmet Brown. Now, Prof. Brown is well known for his failed inventions, but one fateful night, he actually succeeds. He succeeds in building nothing less than a time machine (we all know what THAT looks like right? Come on, even I knew about the old Delorian…). However, as things do, things do not go according to plan. Marty inadvertently finds himself all alone in 1955. The time machine’s fuel is left back in the present (read 1985) as is the professor. When, on top of all this, Marty inadvertently prevents his mother and father meeting, he has a far more serious problem on his hands… Now, apart from fixing the time machine and getting back to the future, he also has to make sure he has a future to get back to…
It is all we expect a Hollywood film to be. Steven Spielberg, good actors, a Hollywood ending… I can see why it became… Well, it’s almost a franchise isn’t it? And it sprung so many archetypes in the years that followed. Time travel. Flying cars. Mad scientists (not exactly a new theme but you have to admit a lot of mad scientists in movies today seem to be distant cousins of Prof. Brown.)It was the first time many things were done, and done brilliantly. A typical example of good old fashioned family entertainment.
And although the film is suitable for the younger members of the family as well, the older members will find it especially nostalgic, because first of all the film is set in 1985 (and that brings back a flood of memories to anyone who was alive in the 80’s, even the tail end of it like me) and then of course in 1955, fun to watch whether you like films from that period or it brings back memories to you as well… You’ll like this one. Don’t wait as long as I did to watch it.
5 yıl önce
I cannot believe you had never seen Back to the Future until now!!! I'm in absolute shock! Anyway, BTTF is one of my all-time favorites and started my life-long love affair with Michael J. Fox. =)
YanıtlaSilI know I seem to have had a pretty deprived childhood and youth hehe :) And yes incidentally MOST ladies from our generation have / have had a crush on Michael J. Fox at some point - and I can kinda see why ;)