I know... In the first place, why on earth am I updating the blog on New Year's Eve and secondly, could I not have at least found something a tad more festive to update it with.
Well... I mean first of all, for me films, movies, thinking about movies and talking about movies never stops. Like, ever. I'm heading out about town tonight, I'll end up talking movies at some point. I mean heck, I spent one party having a 3 hour discussion on the cinema of Terrance Malik. We were swigging Jaegermeister from the bottle if memory serves (or was that a different party). It's one of those people I haven't looked up in an age and really should - who knows they may beat me to it! :)
But enough about me. For some of us, New Years Eve is not about joining a milling crowd - my flatmate much refers being on his own (although that's not happening if his 9 year old has anything to do with it). And honestly, if I were staying in, I can't think of a better series to sit down and marathon. I mean, it'll definitely keep you u all night. You know... For the New Year...
happy viewing folks - and ha y New Year!
5 yıl önce
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