``Falling in love is just a socially accepted form of insanity``. Awesome quote. It has this timeless quallity to it that makes one feel asif one has heard it before. (By the way IS it someone else`s quote?? do let me know, unless of course, if I`m being paranoid)
Today it`s all about love. It`s about love crossing all boundaries. But we`re not talking age, sex or race here... It`s the very limits of humanity itself... This week we explore what love could very well be like in, ooh. a mere few decades... Scroll down for more.
Oh and um... You know how I`ve been most dreadfully naughty with updating my trailers? They`re all up to date now. Do scroll down and check them out if you`re into that sort of thing :)
happy viewing,
5 yıl önce
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