6 Mayıs 2014 Salı


Warning. This documentary is harrowing. And this is as it should be. I personally reckon you should force yourself to watch it anyway. I did – and this despite the fact that I already hate zoos, animal parks, in short anything that entails humans keeping animals in tiny enclosures. Or large enclosures. Heck, enclosures period. Especially if you`re a fan of all the Orca shows , you need to see this. It isn`t scandal-mongering. Yes, death and bloodshed is a part of it but we don`t see people being torn limb from limb. Don`t worry if you have a sensitive stomach – there is barely a drop of blood in sight. I won`t give any guarantees on you not having a broken heart though. That`s another story.
Blackfish tells the stories of a number of different wales in a number of different institutions but is vaguely centred on Tilikum, known as the largest killer whale kept in captivity. Living up to his dastardly name, Tilikum is responsible for the deaths of three keepers and several injuries. But Tilikum is a savage hunter and killer right? Maybe it was the trainers that weren`t careful. Or maybe… Just maybe there is something more serious going on here…
First of all, let me assure you of one thing. I mentioned it in the intro I`ll assure you of this again – there is very little actual blood. You will not be tormented with torturous re-enactments or vats of unconvincing fake blood. Real footage is used when it can be, as are police interviews and the minutes from court cases. But trust me, having a weak stomach is no excuse for not watching this fella. What we do have is eye-witness accounts. Visitors who witnessed the attacks, sure but you have to realise that the attacks themselves are only a result. What the documentary really shows us is what pushed Tilikum to attack and kill three different trainers. The answer is sadly easy to guess : we did.
Blackfish interviews former trainers, people employed by the park all the way down the line, right to the guys who are responsible for catching the whales in the wild and reel them in. It is all very well and good imagining killer whales are these dumb critters who know no better but these are animals with complex family lives. Actual languages. A large brain that has been scientifically proven to have extra parts to it the human brain does not have. And we abduct them when they are calves and keep them in concrete pools with no stimulation for all of their lives. We force them to live with other animals and tell the kids they are one big happy family while they actually probably don`t even speak the same language. We make cuddly toys of them and make sure we don`t think about how the mothers cry when their calves are abducted. Because they do. That was the anecdote that touched me the most (so much so that, since as you may know I am very close to my own mother, I called her at what was in Turkey the middle of the night sobbing and had to be calmed down. Mom I have to say you handled the situation very well considering.) Anyway this anecdote was about a mother and calf. These two lived in a SeaWorld park and were utterly inseparable. Until the calf started getting a bit disrespectful to the keepers, you know, she`s young, she`s giving them some attitude. SeaWorld decides the way to go is to separate the calf and the mother, so the calf is shipped to Florida. The mother is inconsolable and starts making these weird cries no one has ever heard before and in somewhere like SeaWorld this collectively are decades of experience working with animals. So experts are called in and the calls are analysed and the results are shocking as they are harrowing. They are long distance calls. She is perfectly aware her baby girl has been taken far, far away and in her desperation she is trying something humanity has never heard before to see if she can somehow reach her…

Guys, parents… Please teach your children that zoos are cruel. Teach them that animals should be free in the wild. Let`s put these horrors out of business so other families don`t have to be rent asunder like this. One of the trainers interviewed says that he thinks that in 50 years we may well look back at these days as decades of incomprehensible cruelty. I devoutly hope he is right… 

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