See what I did there? It's what they call a "double entendre". I'm playing catch up because I am so habitually late updating the blog that the unofficial update day has kinda moved to saturday (but it IS moving back to wednesday don't you fret) AND this week's theme is cinematic history.
Ok, that may be a tad bit grand as far as statements go. Naturally this is an ongoing project and "cinematic history" cannot really be reduced to 2 films, no matter how brilliant they are (and they both are rather brilliant). Still, as far as the '60s go, these two are two very important works by two very important directors that I personally feel film buffs should know about. I SHOULD have known about them ages go - that is my opinion anyway. And well, I am so glad that I do know about them now, I simply MUST share them with you :)
Happy viewing!
5 yıl önce
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