Well, the modern movie go- er cannot survive on Indies alone; just occasionally some old-fashioned Hollywood makes are needed. And if you have reached that time in your movie schedule, allow me to offer you In Enemy Hands.
In Enemy Hands is a movie set during World War 2. Now now, don’t scoff, it may not be a classic but it is a GOOD movie set during World War 2. And the subject matter is well, not exactly fresh, but fresher than a lot of films out there. Allow me to run through the story-line first.
At the height of the u-boat wars during World War 2, a German u-boat and an American submarine come head to head. They battle it out, the Germans win an astounding victory destroying the American submarine and capturing the surviving crew members. However, the American p.o.w. s have brought an uninvited guest with them: Meningitis. Fatal and highly contagious, the disease spreads quickly throughout the u-boat and soon so many men have been lost that there is only one way for all to get home alive: forming a mixed crew of Germans and Americans to operate the u-boat…
The film is, needless to say, full of all the clichés you would expect it to be full of : The adoring beautiful ( read perfect) wife waiting back home, the rash young captain who refuses to listen to his more experienced officer and bringing disaster to all the crew, on the other side the subordinate who has been held back from becoming a captain by his own insecurity and who is of course pushed into making important decisions , a very balanced mix of “good” and “bad” Germans. I could actually go on but you get the picture. Still, the film has its moments. And although you probably can already guess how the movie ends, if you need some Saturday night entertainment without too much effort, give it a spin…
5 yıl önce
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