Hi there!
Well, this is the inevitable "who am I and what am I doing here" post, so let's get it over with.
My name is not Essie (as you may have guessed - and actually will probably know seing as quite a few of the people who read this will be my own contacts at first) but it is the way my family shorten my name, and I think it makes a fun-looking handle. Apart from the fact that I am used to it ofcourse.
Now, here is why I am here : My job entails watching ALOT of films. I'm not a critic or anything so fancy, a mere technician. But watching movies is kinda what I do for a living... I love movies. I love talking about movies. I love writing. A blog where I write about movies seemed to just "appear" on its own.
However, as I started working on content, I began feeling that while the blog would be mainly about movies I would add various other things to it. Like books (another big thing with me). Or my impressions of a trip possibly. But all those will be "extra-curricular". What I will endevour to do is keep a steady stream of "movie reviews" popping up here on a weekly basis and I may or may not add anything extra.
Now when I say "reviews" don't expect anything fancy. I'm not an academic, hell I'm mostly self-taught. My reviews will be in the context of telling a group of like-minded friends about a movie I liked, and why I liked it. Think of it as a kind of "movie guide" where you might read about a movie you have never heard of, pick up ideas for a pleasant evening's entertainment.
I will try to write more about independant / european movies rather than blockbusters for this purpose. Although, with the Oscar season approaching I may have to do a few reviews of the candidates aswell...
Well, without further ado, here are my first offerings for you delectation. I hope you enjoy "my pics" and check back for more!
5 yıl önce
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