I guess I owe you guys an explanation. So, I work in an office now. It literally happened overnight, the agency I work for needed folks to work in the office, I was magicked up. From one day to the next. Now the reason this happened so quickly is that I had been going on at them a bit to give me a stint in the office. Ya know the score, I'm over 30 now, this whole working night shifts and day shifts running into eachother, on your feet and awake until 3 in the morning is a young womans game. So finally I got my wish, I must be happy, right? Well, well...
I mean don't get me wrong I am not unhappy. It's just drastically different. And I am having to relearn survival skills I had learnt over 5 years ago and subsequently abandoned. I have to figure out a new way of organising my time. I am, provisionally, here until Christmas. For about three months I shall have a drastically different life. I shall reserve judgement about what I make of it and wether I want to keep it up or not.
The one thing that has happened is that artistic endeavours have had to be shuffled around, timewise. Acting and all my activities acting related are now part of my absolute essential daily activities like eating, washing and (ehm) going to work. They also happen to take up a good number of my evenings. And I now work 9 to 6. What I liked the most about working irregular hours was the ability to crowd necessary working hours into fewer days and have more completely off days or half days. It allowed me to have time to write and be rested on days I have a lot of artistic endeavour planned. My new schedule means I have to push through the mental leftovers of a day at the office to get to my creative juices. Sometimes I simply can't get to them all.
Now, I am getting better and better AND BETTER at maintaining energy levels and planning my time. We should be ok from this point onwards. But rest assured, if we have another massive slip-up I am going to sit down and really think about what we need to do about it. We can cross that bridge if we ever get to it. In the meanwhile please accept my humble appologies for the delay and enjoy the write-up!
much love,
5 yıl önce
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