But what actually IS a diva when we boil it down? Some people claim that even I'm a bit of a diva. I say I have high standards. Besides, one can't be a "bit" of a diva - it's a contradiction in terms my dear - one is either a full blown diva or not at all.
Take this week's guest - Maria Callas. Her amazing talents set the standards very, very high and I ask you, WAS it her fault if the people around her couldn't live up to them? Luckily we have masters like Zefirelli and talents like Fanny Ardent to portray her and her story - or we may never have had an accurate picture of her extraordinary life...
This weel ladies and gents, everything is larger than life, the personalities, the talent... We've even thrown in a bit of opera! Come right on in!
happy viewing,
5 yıl önce
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