Hey there! Good to see you're still around! I know, I'm late again, but hey, I come baring awesome film reviews to make up for it! That'll make up for it, right? Right. You'll forgive me. I'm sure you will.
Besides, we have serious stuff to talk about. You know me, my blog has always ever been about films. I endeavour to keep my political and religious views out of the "main" story, although of course writing reviews is a creative process and my views do, no doubt, bleed into my writing. But they are never the main event.
They are not the main event this week either. But they do get talked about more. Because I am, at the end of the day, a woman. And women around the world are getting, to put it mildly, "a bit of a rough deal" in many, many walks of life. I feel we should be, at the very least, aware. Because this is the first step of doing something about it.
Of the two films I review today, one, I feel, does a great job of pushing us to think. One, I feel, could have done a whole lot better. But both give us food for thought. Check 'em out, feel free to tell me what you think (I'm still on @Essie_Tweets )
happy viewing,
P.S. Don't forget to check out the trailers of the films too! I post them whenever I can find them and they "live" at the bottom of the main home page. Just scroll down to see 'em! :)
5 yıl önce
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