I'm not sure I like this week. It's got this "in between" feel to it, you know, Christmas is over yet the streets are still decked with lights and such. You're just getting over the "effects" (ehm) of the Christmas party and yet you know days later you'll be back in the same boat post - New Year. The end (of the year) is nigh, but not quite, so... Bits and pieces really. A bit like this week's mixed bag =)
Well folks, I have good stuff in store for you. I have a golden - oldie with a bit of a twist, an Italian "classic" for the movie buffs among us - not easy viewing exactly but rewarding for those who go ahead with it! - and a potential modern classic that opens the doors for deep thought, all for your delectation. I hope you enjoy - and Happy New Year!
5 yıl önce
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