One cannot so much as go near a newscast without coming across news of extreme weather phenomena these days… I believe even the most cynical of us have started to wonder if those “global warming dudes” maybe had a point… But even if we are well meaning and try to be “eco friendly” well, modern lives are so busy and hectic ecology sometimes slips our mind. There are, after all, more pressing problems at hand: bills and such like for instance… And I mean, let’s face it we’ve heard it all before. At least twice. Ozon layer, world getting warmer, icebergs melting *yawn*… But sometimes we need to be reminded of even the most basic and simple things in life. The Last Continent by the Quebec born filmmaker Jean Lemire does exactly that, at a very opportune moment indeed.
The premise on which the documentary is built is pretty basic. A team of filmmakers (cameramen and such) and scientists come together on board a ship. Fully loaded with enough supplies for the coming months, the team set sail for Antarctica. The aim is to head as far into the continent as possible and “freeze themselves in” when the Antarctic winter hits and the sea freezes over. Thus, they will be able to monitor the conditions in this last unexplored wilderness and monitor the effects of global warming… I defy you not to be saddened by their findings…
I strongly recommend you watch this film. You will not be “bored” by it – to begin with Lemire does an excellent job of portraying the majesty of the Antarctic. Secondly, you are in the position of “witness” on many counts. First of all, well, we’ve all heard of at least one Antarctic expedition and I mean, it doesn’t necessarily have to be an Antarctic expedition either but you’ve all, I’m sure, wished you could go, explore, discover new places – preferably with no risk to life and limb. This is a chance to watch a real live modern expedition, because it is a serious expedition even though it is a documentary at the same time. But above and beyond that, and perhaps more seriously, you remember those icecaps that we keep hearing are melting? Care to actually see that happening? I thought not. But I think you should… It is the only planet we have to live on after all…
5 yıl önce
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