Haha, don't worry, the blog hasn't changed subjects suddenly - just a canny ploy to get your attention =) However, it isn't exactly a lie either, because the theme of the week this week is dystopias. Now, a dystopia is a film about the future, usually the end of the world also comes into play at some point. It can be art-house or crammed with special effects or a combination of both and speaks of a rather gloomy outcome for us all. They also provide food for thought in a lot of cases and make some damn good films...
I mean, Johnny Mnemonic, though comparatively primitive technically, was a pioneer of the genre. Michael Hanneke's Time of the Wolf uses the context of an apocalyptic event to explore the darker sides of the human psyche - in true Hanneke style of course. And last of all, a more modern cousin of these two, the canny British dystopia Children Of Men. I really, really got into this one as you can see from the length of the post - I hope you enjoy my ruminations.
I know it's rather a depressing topic guys, but I tried to do it with a bit of class as it were, you know, not so much blood and destruction but rather some serious considerations on the matter... I hope you enjoy...
5 yıl önce
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